Current Projects

EU granted NICE Trust €3,500,000 to implement Civic Education and Awareness Raising Towards Deepening Democracy in Malawi programme. The programme contributes to strengthening democratic governance and the social contract in Malawi.

This is a project worth USD100,000. ongoing project. The project - Inclusive participation of women/young women in Malawi politics proposes a breaking the barrier response designed to capacitate women and young women to participate meaningfully to enhance effective influence on political and decision-making position processes. More women and young women will claim and enjoy their rights to participate in leadership at different levels of the district and national levels. The project is for a year November 2023 to October 2024

Child and Gender-related Laws under the United Nations Joint Programme on Girls Education (UNJPGE). The current project is being accelerated and being implemented through NICE Officers and volunteers in 10 districts. The District Officers and volunteers have been conducting Legal Literacy Sessions since August 2022 and the project runs until December 2023. The Law Commission and NICE jointly conducted legal literacy sessions in eighty-eight (88) schools and 88 communities in each of the six (6) districts. A total of 528 legal literacy sessions involving both learners and school structures were held and over 52,000 learners and 18,000 community members were reached. These sessions have strengthened school governance as well as brought about ownership of teaching and learning processes by school-based structures and the communities around schools. In general, service delivery in the education sector has been enhanced. In some cases, service charters and education by-laws have been formulated around some schools.