Success Stories

Salima – Maganga CF NICE Case Study

The Government of Malawi recognises that good governance is a prerequisite for economic growth and development as reflected in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS II) of 2011-2016 under Theme No 5 of Improved Governance. In October 2016, the Government of Malawi and the European Union signed a Financing Agreement for Chilungamo Programme (Justice and Accountability) with financial contribution from the 11th European Development Fund (11th EDF). The Chilungamo Programme ultimately addresses two core Malawi’s governance challenges, namely:

(i) Lack of transparency and accountability amongst duty bearers and

(ii) Weak accountability institutions and limited capacity of the citizens to demand and claim their rights.

NICE’s Multi-Annual Programme Estimate (MAPE) is aligned to both objectives of the Chilungamo Programme. The main objective of the MAPE   is “to contribute towards the promotion of democracy and good governance in Malawi through civic and voter education.” The support that the Chilungamo Financing Agreement contains towards NICE, is consistent with NICE’s Strategic Pillars of; Demand Side of Governance (Transparency and Accountability), Social Cohesion and Peaceful Co-existence, Citizen Participation in Public Life, Electoral Processes and Voter Education.

The activities of the MAPE centres on enhancing citizen participation in public life and creation of space for citizens to articulate their aspirations, ideas, frustrations and interests thereby contributing to the maturation and entrenchment of democratic values and principles.

The Case Study

  1. The area of Traditional Authority Maganga is located in Maganga/ Kuulunda Ward in Salima Central Constituency. The community was faced with a challenge of a repercussions of a signed contract between the local leaders of T/A Maganga, Parks and Wild Life Department and an investor who took control of the island.   The people could not be allowed into the island and those that were found there fishing were greatly harassed by security staff hired by the investor who owns the island.

What Transpired?

  1. After NICE Intervention meeting, a citizen forum was established.
  2. Maganga Citizen Forum invited different local leaders in the area like the councillor, Member of Parliament, Traditional Authority, Group Village Headmen, Area Development Committee members and representative of different Non-governmental Organisations working in the area.
  3. It was agreed that the Traditional Authority Maganga and some citizen forum members should meet officials of Wildlife and Parks in Monkey Bay to find out more on the agreement that was made to lease out Maleri Island and to lodge their complaint on the issue.
  4. After the visit, they waited for feedback from Parks and Wild Life Official.  Maganga Citizen Forum telephoned Parks and Wildlife Officials to follow up on their promised feedback. The officials responded that they were still awaiting feedback from their colleagues in Lilongwe.
  5. 6 fishermen were caught while fishing on the lake near the Island, arrested and their fishing materials like nets were seized.  They were put in custody at Salima Police Station.
  6.  The community mobilised itself and marched from Maganga to Salima District Council where they submitted their petition demanding settling of their grievances as indicated to the Parks and Wildlife Department. The people also demanded the release of the arrested fishermen. The arrested fishermen were released on the same day.

The challenges that were faced by the community.

  1. Fishing Restrictions:  The fishermen were unable to access all areas around the island for fishing which is the main source of income and food in TA Maganga.
  2. Denial of Shelter during Storms on the lake:  Fishermen had no place of shelter at Maleri Island during heavy winds.


  1. Called for an intervention meeting to civic educate the community of the principles of good governance and their citizen duty to development.
  2. Establishment of the Maganga Citizen Forum.
  3. Called for an interface meeting between the Traditional Authority Maganga, Councillor, ADC, the community at large and the citizen forum.
  4. Called for a follow-up meeting with Maganga Citizen Forum and an article was published in the Nation newspaper that raised the gravity of the matter to ministry level, a thing that triggered quick action by the Government.


  1. Establishment of Maganga Citizen Forum:  Institution of Maganga Citizen Forum in T/A Maganga which is providing critical agency for voice and accountability in the area.
  2. Capacity-building of citizen forum:  Training of Maganga Citizen Forum on its roles and how to foster voice and accountability.
  3. Opinion leader mobilisation:  Mobilisation of required local leaders by Maganga Citizen Forum on the Maleri Island issue.
  4. Creation of a self-sustaining strategy:  Commitment by the community through contributing money to be used on a trip by assigned members to Monkey Bay to meet Wildlife and Parks Department, one of the parties that was involved in leasing out the contended island.
  5. Restructuring:  Reconstitution of various committees like the School Committee, Health Advisory Committee and the Maganga Market Committee which has resulted in improved transparency and accountability
  6. Improved responsiveness by duty bearers:  Most of the issues that were being raised by the Maganga Citizens on Maleri Island have been sorted out and there isan increased desire by the concerned duty bearers on linking with the citizens of Maganga for any interventions meant to benefit the public.  Among the issues were the following:
  7. Ona place of shelter demanded by fishermen at Maleri Island during heavy winds, of the two places that were suggested for consideration, Mchenga was granted to be used for shelter;
  8. Onremoval of the 100 metres limit for fishing near the protected Maleri Island it was said that it is difficult to remove this distance since it was put to preserve the rare species of Mbuna Fish (chichlids)  which are found at this place;
  9. Onthe relationship between Mr Jimmy (the investor who owns a lodge on the island) and his workers, Mr. Jimmy indicated that he would now only concentrate on his tourism business on the Island and Parks Officials should also concentrate on their work.  He also promised to make efforts to smoothen his relationship with the local people and during times of danger by the fishermen on the lake he would be assisting;
  10. Abouta place which can be used as a full base for fishermen at the island, Officials pointed out that this may be difficult since this is a protected area and nobody is allowed to stay at such a place – but still more they would have to consult more widely.

The Story

It all started with a NICE sensitisation meeting on the roles of Members of Parliament, Councillors and Traditional Leaders and the local leaders were also trained on voice and accountability. It was at this meeting that the local leaders expressed their sadness over lost access to Maleri Island which is in the area and the negative effects that this has had on the community. The local leaders were advised on the concept of citizen forums and how issues of community interest like the one on Maleri Island can be furthered. The local leaders welcomed the idea of a citizen forum and agreed to send messages across the area on the need of a citizen Forum.

Maganga Citizen Forum was instituted and trained on its role. On the first issues to be followed by the Forum the issue of Maleri Island was also prioritised. Maganga Citizen Forum invited different local leaders in the area like the councillor, Member of Parliament, Traditional Authority, Group Village Headmen, Area Development Committee members and representative of different Non-governmental Organisations working in the area. The issue of Maleri Island was thoroughly discussed and it was agreed that the Traditional Authority Maganga and some citizen forum members should meet officials of Wildlife and Parks in Monkey Bay to find more on the agreement that was made to lease out Maleri Island and also to lodge their complaint on the issue. The Fishermen at the above meeting agreed to contribute money to be used for transport to Monkey Bay for the team that was to meet the Parks and Wildlife Officials.  The assigned people were strategising to leave for Monkey Bay to follow up on this matter.

After the Monkeybay meeting , Officials from Parks and Wildlife in MonkeyBay came to Maganga where together with one representative from Maganga Citizen Forum, representative of fishermen, one member of Tiyanjane Trust ( a committee instituted to take part in overseeing the running of Maleri Island) and the investor, a Mr Jimmy ; moved around the Island. During this trip the fishermen were asked to give two places at the Island that they would love to be as shelter in times of heavy winds on the lake. The fishermen suggested two places to be used for shelter namely Pabata and Pamchenga. The officials went back to their offices and promised that after liaising with their superiors in Lilongwe they will give feedback before the 30th of June.

During the waiting period, 6 fishermen were caught while fishing on the lake near the Island, arrested and their fishing materials like nets seized. They were put in custody at Salima Police Station. On the morning of 27th July 2015, the community mobilised itself and marched from Maganga to Salima District Council where they submitted their petition demanding settling of their griavances as indicated to the Parks and Wildlife Department. The people also demanded the release of the arrested fishermen. The arrested fishermen were released the very same day and DC managed to call for a meeting involving all stakeholders. It was agreed during the meeting that;

  • Ona place of shelter at Maleri Island during heavy winds, of the two places that were suggested for consideration, Mchenga was granted to be used for shelter
  • Onremoval of the 100metres limit for fishing near the protected Maleri Island it was said that it is difficult to remove this distance since it was put to preserve the rare specie of Mbuna Fish (Chichlids)  which are found at this place
  • Onrelationship between Mr Jimmy and his workers on the lodge at the Island, Mr. Jimmy indicated that he will now only concentrate on his tourism business on the Island and Parks Officials should also concentrate on their work. He also promised to make efforts to smoothen his relationship with the local people and during times of danger by the fishermen on the lake he will be assisting
  • Abouta place which can be used as a full base for fishermen at the island, Officials pointed out that this may be difficult since this is a protected area and nobody is allowed to stay at such a place- but still more they will have to consult